GSAS Fees and Tuition

The following fees apply to all students starting at GSAS on or before September 2020. All fees are subject to change.

Doctor of Business Administration US$60,000 Max 5 years and 57 credits. Extension costs US$700 per two-month term. US$1,053 per additional credit from Business Department.
Doctor of Engineering US$40,000
Max 5 years and 57 credits. Extension costs US$500 per two-month term. US$702 per additional credit from Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department.
Doctor of Healthcare US$40,000 Max 5 years and 57 credits. Extension costs US$500 per two-month term. US$702 per additional credit from Healthcare Department.
Master of Finance US$25,000 Max 3 years and 36 credits. Extension costs US$500 per two-month ter. US$695 per additional credit from Business Department.
Master of Management US$25,000 Max 3 years and 36 credits. Extension costs US$500 per two-month term. US$695 per additional credit from Business Department.
Master of Engineering US$15,000 Max 3 years and 36 credits. Extension costs US$300 per two-month term. US$417 per additional credit from Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department.
Master of Healthcare US$15,000 Max 3 years and 36 credits. Extension costs US$300 per two-month term. US$417 per additional credit from Healthcare Department.
FinAI Postgraduate Diploma US$13,000 Max 2 years and 15 credits. Extension costs US$300 per two-month term.

Course material cost varies and is estimated at around US$500 for a Master's degree program, and US$800 for a doctoral degree program. Graduation fee is US$100. Student membership fee is US$50 per year. Alumni membership fee is US$500 per year or US$5,000 one-time payment, which covers lifelong learning of unlimited audit program, and 3 credit program per year. Visa fee for non-local student is US$70.

Student Budgets

Though Fees and Tuition are a big part of the costs you will have while attending GSAS, there are other costs to consider as well. As living expense in Hong Kong is quite high, you should budget US$1,600 per month to cover rent and living costs.